We are focused on everything we lack in our everyday life and forget to appreciate all the good stuff. Instead, we take the good things for granted. Even more so, we don't have time to appreciate the people and the relationships.
But today can be different. We can make someone’s day - it’s not all that difficult. Here’s and idea! Pick up a thank you note and send it to someone, who made your day one way or another; to someone who made you laugh; to someone who made your life feel brighter, sunnier or different; nicer on a single or several occasions.
Send a thank you card to someone who has done you a favor when you hadn’t even asked for one.
Send a greeting card to your mom for whatever good she did for you (and forgive all the times when she was negative).
Send a thank you quote to your dad for something nice you did together (and stop grieving about the things you expected and never received)…
Send a thank you note to that aunt who winked and understood - when no one else in your family did…
Don’t forget your child who made that precious drawing or a favor to you - which was a pure gift of unconditional love from the innocent heart.
You might all of a sudden feel a need to thank a dear friend, your neighbor, coworker or a relative for a special moment you had together or simply - for being themselves.
You can certainly make anyone’s day by sending a thank you note. It just might bring a smile on addressee’s face or even a tear in someone’s eye. Your card will plant a seed of happiness in recipient’s heart; this human being will go out and shine the love to the world.
Every act of kindness will come back to you ten fold. We still harvest what we sow. Hence, start planting some happiness, light, hope and love - today.
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