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Monday, October 30, 2006

Simple Living Guide: Post Office Services from the Comfort of Your Home

When was the last time you’ve visited the official USPS webpage
If it’s been a while, it’s time to pay a visit a gain! There were quite a few changes and improvements introduced lately. Plus, the webpage offers more and more services you can use from your computer - in the comfort of your home. This conveniently means: no driving to the post office, no standing in line - and more.

The variety of actions you can take from "the post office in your home" is growing. All you need to do to get the access to entire commodity is - to open an online account - and you'll be ready to go!

Following is the list of services that are really useful: they can save a lot of time (and gas):
· Buy stamps online: For a flat S&H charge of $1.00, you can have any quantity of stamps delivered to your door via priority mail. What I personally like the most about shopping for stamps online is - USPS online store has the most complete selection of all the stamps issued. You can buy different stamps every time or even match the stamp theme with the nature of your mailing.

· Are you moving? In that case change your address online. You can also arrange the holding of your mail if you’re going away for a while.

· Check the rates and compare the services: If you happen to have a postal scale at home, it’s really useful to use the "Calculate Postage" link from the USPS’s home page. You can get the exact price and all the services offered. After you decide which service you need, check out the special services if you feel like you need some extras to guarantee the delivery.

· Order your shipping supplies and forms: If you’re mailing frequently, using the same forms and shipping supplies over and over again, order them online. All the forms are free and so are some shipping supplies (like priority mail envelopes and boxes). Although the delivery is also free of charge, count on about five business days before you receive your order.

· Print postage and labels online: Click-N-Ship® is one of the newest services offered by USPS. It’s convenient and there’s no monthly fee for using it. The downside is that it only includes certain more expensive services (for example: Priority Mail®, Express Mail® etc.).

Maybe you don’t mind going to the post office whenever you need to. Particularly if one’s close to your home or work. But even if that’s true, you might want to check out the new issues of stamps every now and then at

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Easy Garden: Propagate Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) - 3 Easy Ways

This perennial is easy to grow in full sun and well drained, light soil. Three ways to propagate rosemary are: from seeds, from cuttings and by layering.

1. From seeds: germination of the rosemary seeds is extremely slow and so is the growing of the tiny seedlings. That’s why this is the least favorite of the three choices. Although, if you have patience and want to try and grow your own seedlings or test different species of Rosmarinus, go ahead and give it a try. Just make sure you follow the instructions on the package.

2. From stem cuttings: cut the soft wood at the tip of the branch (2 to 6 inches long). Remember that shorter cuttings mean more compact plants. There are two more basic rules that should not be ignored: use a clean, sharp knife to cut and the mildest strength hormone rooting powder for softwood cuttings (if any). The material for rooting should be sterile (perlite, washed sand, powdered styrofoam, vermiculite, or a mixture of any of those in equal proportions). Do not pack the material tightly around the stems to prevent damaging during removal of the rooted cuttings. Before planting the cuttings, strip at least half of the leaves from the stem. Insert into a rooting material about half stem deep, angled at about 45 degrees.

3. Simple layering: is the simplest way of propagation with rosemary. It almost never fails. Simply choose the branch that will bend easily to touch the ground. Dig a small hole and press the branch in it. Fill the depression with soil and firm well. To keep the branch in place and preventing the new roots from being lifted out of the ground put the rock or a brick over the buried branch spot. See the photo at: Water well. Six to eight weeks later your new plant should have enough roots for the attachment to the parent plant to be cut. Young rosemary is now ready to be transplanted to a new spot.

In a warm, sunny climate your rosemary will grow fast and year round. You will have plenty for flavor in the kitchen as well as aboundance of cuttings to put it in the vase and have that naturally fresh and clean smell in your home.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Herbs: Her Majesty - The Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

To me, rosemary is mostly about memories. Its distinctive smell teleports me straight to the ranch-type, yellow painted vacation home with the rosemary hedge around on the beach. All that is far away and far back in the past of my childhood. But without a mistake, this time travel happens to me every time I slide my hand over the rosemary bush in front of my house. The magical smell fills up my nostrils and the pleasure of innocent childhood happiness starts rising in my body…

Not only is the aroma, rosemary’s taste is also distinguishing. That’s a good reason to be conservative whenever using it as a spice. A fresh sprig of rosemary makes a nice decoration with many foods, especially fish. Just don’t try to put it in your mouth and chew on it.

Some sources mention the use of rosemary essential oil as a cure for stomachaches and to stimulate the blood circulation. Other natural healing uses: eyestrain, for shiny dark hair, headache, as cellulite eliminator, as pain relief. Only, I’m not a doctor and can’t prescribe you anything.

For now, plant rosemary in a sunny spot somewhere around your home. It will also grow in a pot. Rosemary plants prefer fertile, well drained soil. Different kinds of rosemary are hardy in different zones. If you’re not sure, bring it in the house before freezing. In case you have several plants, leave one or two established plants outside and see if they survive.

Rosemary twigs look great in vases (see the pictures at: plus, they make the inside of your home smell fresh. Every rosemary bush can be pruned to a desired shape. Another attribute of rosemary’s aroma is - it keeps the rodents away!

As soon as I’m done typing this article, I’m going out. There’s a rosemary bush in front of our house. In less than two years it grew from a tiny plant from the nursery to the size of about a yard across. I’m going to brush the top with my hand, close my eyes and spend a few moments on a beautiful distant beach…

Friday, October 20, 2006

Why a Card? 10 People You could send a Thank You Note to - Today

We live in this fast paced world, snatching at some things that seem important at the moment, but don’t really add to our happiness; longing for goods or relationships that shall bring us bliss.

We are focused on everything we lack in our everyday life and forget to appreciate all the good stuff. Instead, we take the good things for granted. Even more so, we don't have time to appreciate the people and the relationships.

But today can be different. We can make someone’s day - it’s not all that difficult. Here’s and idea! Pick up a thank you note and send it to someone, who made your day one way or another; to someone who made you laugh; to someone who made your life feel brighter, sunnier or different; nicer on a single or several occasions.

Send a thank you card to someone who has done you a favor when you hadn’t even asked for one.

Send a greeting card to your mom for whatever good she did for you (and forgive all the times when she was negative).

Send a thank you quote to your dad for something nice you did together (and stop grieving about the things you expected and never received)…

Send a thank you note to that aunt who winked and understood - when no one else in your family did…

Don’t forget your child who made that precious drawing or a favor to you - which was a pure gift of unconditional love from the innocent heart.

You might all of a sudden feel a need to thank a dear friend, your neighbor, coworker or a relative for a special moment you had together or simply - for being themselves.

You can certainly make anyone’s day by sending a thank you note. It just might bring a smile on addressee’s face or even a tear in someone’s eye. Your card will plant a seed of happiness in recipient’s heart; this human being will go out and shine the love to the world.

Every act of kindness will come back to you ten fold. We still harvest what we sow. Hence, start planting some happiness, light, hope and love - today.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Easy Garden Tips: Plants in Pots and Burning Heat

If you’re a user (and a fan) of regular pots, planters, containers or window boxes (instead of self-watering ones), here’s a useful tip, custom made for your needs. How to get your beloved plants through the hottest weeks of the summer -- safely and successfully, is probably one of your main concerns.

It’s getting harder and harder to keep the container plants from wilting or dying out in the burning heat of the hottest summer days. Did you try different things to improve the matter but nothing really worked both ways (for good drainage as well as for keeping the moisture in the soil)? So did I. In Southern Florida, nothing seemed to be effective enough.
Containers along the driveway and in sunny front of the house need the most water. One just can’t water enough!

Ice cubes work well (instead of watering). They melt slowly and really soak the soil (while the water quickly runs through, leaving the roots thirsty still). The problem is that for a lot of pots you need a lot of ice…
Packing peanuts at the bottom of the container work great for too much rain or watering. They also make the large planters easier to move since they are light weight. But at the same time, after only a few months, the growing plants don’t have enough soil any more and the roots caught in the peanut-layer start drying out.

Rocks or pebbles at the bottom of planters don’t do anything good for the weight of the planters, especially not the bigger ones. They work for drainage, but do nothing to keep moisture in the soil.

Color of the pots is quite significant. Avoid black containers whenever possible. In the heat of the summer they consume the heat much more effectively than the light-colored planters. That just dries out the soil even faster (and overheats the roots).

Mulch and compost work sufficiently for keeping away the weeds and preserving the moisture in flower beds and not that much in planters.
So, what’s the solution?

It’s either slaving away watering twice a day, give all the plants away and forget container gardening, or find something that would actually work.
I found an answer more by accident. One day I picked up a bag of sphagnum moss to block the drains from washing the soil out of the pot. While planting, an idea crossed my mind. I filled the big containers up to one fourth to one third of the height with the sphagnum moss instead of soil.

Months later, I am very happy with the results. The drainage is still good. The pots are lighter when I’m carrying them from place to place. At the same time, I’m not watering twice a day anymore. The sphagnum moss keeps the soil moist enough for a few days instead! And the best of all: my plants are growing and flowering like never before!

Note: This article is a result of my personal experiences; no scientific research backs it up. Your results may vary.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Skin: How to Take Care of Feet

Taking care of feet is often a neglected area of our daily body-care routine. These great parts of our bodies are carrying us around (no matter how heavy we are) all day long and all we want them to, frequently in very uncomfortable shoes and some socks that don’t even breathe.

When our feet get tired, we feel fatigued overall. If that happens to you a lot, it’s time to apply some benefits for your much needed and valuable - feet.

First of all, wear comfortable shoes. I don’t know which ones are best for you. Find a pair in which your feet feel natural. That alone will make a huge difference in the way you feel.

Second, whenever you’re wearing socks, they should be made out of a breathable material. Otherwise, your feet feel like your hands do while wearing latex gloves for a long time.

Third, your feet, just as every part of your body, deserve some loving care. At night, just before you go to bed, put some lotion or cream on your dry and clean feet. It doesn’t have to be any special kind (as long as there's no troubled areas on your feet); almost any hand cream or regular body lotion should do.

The important thing that trully makes a difference is: don’t just apply. Take a minute or even better - two and massage the entire feet area (don't skip a pinky toe!), apply as much lotion as necessary, and enjoy the refreshingly energizing sensation of your tiredness departing your body.
If nothing else, your hills won’t be all that dry anymore. Plus, it’s going to be so much easier to go to sleep.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Nutrition: Nourish Your Body and Reduce Digestive Problems - 4 Basic Principles

An easy plan can implement your everyday eating habits and greatly improve the whole eating and digesting experience:

1. Take your time and focus on the food you're eating
2. Enjoy your food no matter what it is
3. Take really small bites and - finally -
4. Chew well

Even if you spend a really short time for your meal, paying attention to what you're doing/eating is very important. All of a sudden you will notice that what you're consuming actually has a taste, a smell and a texture. While paying attention, try to notice the aroma and the colors of your dishes. Go ahead and relish every single quality that's offered to you in a form of a food.

Taking small bites definitely means that you'll eat less than you would while stuffing yourself somewhere on-the-go. This way of eating makes you feel full faster. If you’re trying to lose weight, maybe you should consider small-bites-idea before trying-out countless diet plans. Another great thing is that small bites do help the chewing job.

Chewing well will greatly assist your digestion. It will make your stomach's chore easier and shorter. The intake of nourishing elements into your body from the food you consume will be far greater. Benefits are countless (and too many to be mentioned in one article).

I'm not saying that these four improvements can make an overnight miracle and simply erase every single trouble you've ever encountered regarding food and eating. They can't! But they are a smart start to the healthier direction of nourishing and appreciating your figure.

By adopting a few small positive improvements in eating habits, your body is going to repay you in a very pleasant way - by serving you better.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Environment: Ways to Recycle Water in Your Kitchen

Water is getting scarce, especially the clean, drinking one. Pollution and extreme weather conditions don’t help to improve the matter in any way.

Recycling is a great way to protect the environment. It’s not always simple, though. Some cities and towns collect only certain kinds of recyclable materials and we have to change our "trashing habits" to "recycling habits" when handling empty packaging.

Here is and idea about how to use the recycled water straight from the kitchen sinks - for all you gardeners out there. With almost no effort we can catch and reuse some of the water we exploit in our homes on a daily basis.

All the lucky home keepers who hand-wash the dishes, you can have plenty watering liquid by collecting the rinsing water (while rinsing the dishes). Even if you use the dish washer, you still wash your hands - most likely pretty often and that’s the kind of water that can be used for watering also. Just put a plastic bowl in a sink.

Before using the collected water for watering, make sure it is not greasy. Add a few drops of lemon dish soap or even better, a few drops of baby shampoo to the water. This will not harm the plants but will protect the nature. A drop of fat ruins many drops of drinking water.

One more way to increase the savings is to catch rain water. Unfortunately, you can only do that if you live in a house.

Earth is the only planet available to the human race for living our lives right now. Whatever damage we cause today, our children will inherit the consequences. Every environmentally conscious act makes a positive difference. Contribute your good deed today!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Simple Living Guide: Growing Up At 40 +

Lately, I am studying Sylvia Browne's books. If you've never heard the name – she is »One of America's Most Successful Clairvoyants« as stated on the front of her book Adventures of the Psychic. In my opinion, she is a lot more than that! I admire her (and her work) tremendously and I'd really like to know her in person.

As a result of my studies, I kind of signed »peace treaty« with my life and everything that's happening to me, with all the tough circumstances and events that were making me wondering for years, »Why me? Why do I have to go through so much? How did I deserve all that? Am I really such a bad person – or I was in a previous life???«

While questions like these and similar were constantly on my mind, I was probably missing the real purpose of my present earthly experience, which is learning and growing up – or - becoming a better soul…

One story from that same book (mentioned above) left me exceedingly amazed (and with a new question, of course). I know I am too tough on myself a lot of times… It made me very angry that I couldn't apply her discovery to my own problem and solve it instantly…

Anyway, Sylvia's problem was on and off inflamed bladder – for years. She couldn't understand or find the reason for it until mentioning it to her friend and saying how »her mother really pisses her off«… It always works like a magic. As soon as we understand the reason, the problem is not needed any more and the healing takes place instead.

In the last couple of months my most unpleasant concern was my body, gaining weight. Slowly, but steadily. Not being a kind of person that uses the personal scale, I have absolutely no idea how many pounds heavier I became. But when my clothes become too tight and I don't feel comfortable wearing them anymore, I get really upset. Since I don't eat that much too much, hardly any fast food, and had never had a serious weight problem in my life, the only answer available to me was the whole estrogen-hormonal period of my life. Some TV commercials keep »promoting« hormonal weight gain in women all the time, swearing it's the only possible reason for weight-gaining after you reach the magical age of thirty…

For some reason this answer didn't satisfy me and I kept wondering… Until a few hours ago. I erupted like a volcano and couldn’t stop saying things that really bother me in my relationship, in my everyday life. I felt very unhappy about certain things but kept them inside, not saying a word to a living soul.

Soon after losing the heavy load of unhappiness and suppressed thoughts, I realized that by letting go of my feelings, I will not gain another pound! If you have any doubts, ask me in about a month from today, if my clothes are still too tight…

Monday, October 02, 2006

Simple Living Guide: Possible Cure for Messy Toothpaste Disease

Is a messy toothpaste tube driving you crazy?

Let me tell you - you’re not the only one. I’m quite sure that toothpaste has been a popular reason for fights between spouses or family members since its appearance in our daily routine which (at least for some people) happened a long time ago…

Toothpaste History

3000 to 5000 years B.C. the Egyptians were already making a dental powder/crème out of powdered ashes of oxen hooves, myrrh, burned egg shells, pumice and water. This powder or paste was probably applied onto the teeth by fingers since the toothstick (predecessor ot the toothbrush) had not been invented yet.

Persians chose different ingredients in about 1000 B.C. Burnt shells of snails and oysters with gypsum were their magic formula.

Romans improved the recipes by adding (among others) some flavoring agents, which also counteracted bad breath.

Half a millennia later, around 500 B.C., we find records of toothpaste use in China and India as well.

Modern toothpastes appear in 1800 A.D., developed by doctors, dentists and chemists in Britain. They contained some very abrasive substances (brick dust, crushed china, earthenware, cuttlefish) and even sugar. The poor still rubbed their teeth using fingers and for the rich toothbrushes were available.

Mass production started in 1873 (by Colgate). Toothpaste was packed in a jar and for the first time in history it smelled good. U.S. Army included the brushing of teeth in their standard hygiene procedures in 1941.

Toothpaste Today

Nowadays, toothpastes come in a variety of colors, flavors, aromas, with fluoride or without it, with synthetic or natural ingredients, packed in plastic or tin tubes, dispensers etc. There’s one thing that hasn’t changed, however. Some people simply don’t mind spreading the toothpaste not only onto the toothbrush but all over the dispenser, the sink and probably other places also. Uppermost, they probably forget to put the cap back on the tube after use…

These sorts of (bad) habits can become a serious problem when such person shares the same bathroom with another kind of person who prefers toothpaste in a tube (always with the cap on when not in use) and on the toothbrush only.

Until today, I haven’t heard of any cure that would heal the "messy toothpaste disease". But I’ve had a chance to learn about an interesting and at the same time amusing method a young lady just started using in her bathroom. We’ll call it "Doro-Method". It involves putting up conspicuous post-it stickers with instructions around the area in question. By "conspicuous" I mean the size, the color and the wording you really can’t miss or disregard easily. And she’s told me so herself - it’s been working so far…

There’s no guarantee that the "Doro-Method" will work for you. In that particular house nobody ever comments on warnings or directions but they are being followed by every member of the household without exception.

See the photos of the "Doro-Method" used on toothpaste at: